
来源:七七学识网 发布:2022-04-09 22:58:23



sectedition是什么意思,宗教的派别、宗派edition是什么意思,sect表示分割、切割,其实从sect的本意也能看出来一些,对吧edition是什么意思?其他例子还有:sector, insect, transect, etc.

sect 分割、切割

ion,常见的名词后缀,更多例子还有:malfunction, deregulation, erosion, etc.


某物的一部分(比如说禁烟区就是non-smoking section),医学专业名词——切口、剖腹产手术,生物专业名词——切片,建筑、地理、工程专业名词——结构的切面图或模型、断面图或模型,切面、剖面、截面。在英式英语中还可以做动词,指官方强制某个有精神疾病的人留在医院接受治疗,因为他们可能会伤害自己或别人。

The rest is non-smoking section.


造句:We can only see the tail section of the aircraft after it crashed.

We can only see the tail section of the aircraft after it crashed.

Section的英文解释:one of the parts that something is divided intoa cut made in part of the body in an operationan operation in which a woman"s uterus is cut open to allow a baby to be borna very thin slice of a part of an animal, plant, or other object made in order to see its structurea drawing or model that shows the structure of something by cutting part of it awaythe shape of a flat surface that is produced when an object is cut into separate pieces[UK] to officially force someone who has mental health problems to stay in a hospital and receive treatment because they might harm themselves or other people扩展阅读:

confrontation什么意思 malfunction什么意思 variation什么意思 diction什么意思 edition什么意思


